10 Spirit of Islam Issue 8 August 2013 give me some master advice by which I may be able to manage all the affairs of my life.” The Prophet replied, “Do not be angry.” It means that we must not react with anger even when provoked. Respond positively to negative situations. Always adopt positive thinking. Modesty The Prophet of Islam said, “God elevates the modest.” In other words, modesty is the way to high success. Result-oriented Action The Prophet of Islam said, “The beauty of a man is to keep himself away from futile activities, which produce no results.” Our actions should be always result-oriented. Friendly Behaviour The Prophet of Islam said, “He is not a believer who creates problems for his neighbours.” Unilateral Good Character The Quran says: “Good and evil deeds are not equal. Repel evil with what is good, then you will see that one who was once your enemy has become your dearest friend.” Our behaviour in society should not be retaliatory but good under all circumstances. Universal Brotherhood The Prophet of Islam said, ”I bear witness that all human beings are brothers and sisters to each other.” This concept inculcates the feeling of universal brotherhood in all of us, and it is on this basis that a better society can be formed. o Not a Passive Attitude Patience is not inaction. Patience is the virtue needed for systematic, planned action.