30 Spirit of Islam Issue 8 August 2013 BUILDING A STRONG AND PROSPEROUS INDIA T HERE are some people who consider Indian Muslims a liability. This is a view opposite to the role that any creative minority is destined to play in accordance with the infallible law of nature. The British historian Arnold Toynbee, in his famous book Study of History theorises that it is always the creative minority that plays a revolutionary role in any civilization or society. The creative minority is the one that reacts creatively to solve problems affecting the society as a whole, generating growth and progress. There is no reason why the Muslim minority in India cannot occupy this position. In one of the prophecies of the prophet of Islam (Jami-ul-Usool Fee Ahadeeth- AI-Rasool–Part IV; 202 ), it is said that a group of people would spread the message of Islam peacefully in India. It is predicted in this Hadith that a day will come when the Muslims of India will perform an important constructive role in this country and will be instrumental in taking this country to a position of true glory and progress. I think that time has finally arrived. Muslims in India should give up a life-style marred by agitation and protests and learn to live as a creative group. What should the Indian Muslims do to fulfil this prophecy? They should simply give up a life-style marred by agitation and protests and learn to live as a creative group. In this country, they should not be a 'taking group' but a 'giving group'. Such is the requirement of Islam. And then a new era will dawn in our country, when India will emerge as a developed nation and will attain that position on the map of the world which it deserves. Swami Vivekananda said in 1889 that the India of the future would be a glorious India and this glorious India would be built by Hindus and Muslims together. This is undoubtedly true. But, Hindus and Muslims shall both have to prove that they are capable of performing this historic role. Without the necessary capability, it will not be possible for either of them to do so.